What is Fiber Night?
Fiber Night is a social meet-up group for fiber art enthusiasts in the Rochester, NY area that grew out of a small group of friends that began meeting over Zoom in 2020 during the pandemic. Since then, it has grown into a wonderful community of makers!
All are welcome at Fiber Night! Our mission is to build a supportive community for makers of all trades and levels. We encourage, support, and help educate each other while making lasting friendships along the way. We are an inclusive and diverse group that welcomes all ages, races, and gender identities This is not your typical knitting group!
We meet just about every Wednesday night from 6 - 8 PM at various locations in the greater Rochester area to socialize over food & drinks while sharing our love for the fiber arts. Meetup locations are communicated via a weekly email as well as posted to the Events page on this website, on Discord, and Facebook.
Please subscribe to the Rochester Fiber Night Email Newsletter for the most up to date information including last minute location changes and weather related cancellations.
Keep scrolling 👇 to the bottom of this page to signup.
When do you meet?
We meet every Wednesday night from ~6-8 PM. You are welcome to come anytime that is convenient for you between 6-8 pm. I try my best to arrive a little early to grab tables, and there are quite a few members that will often stay late. Subscribe to the email newsletter for weekly updates of our current location.
Where do you meet?We meet at various locations in the greater Rochester, NY area. We have a rotating schedule of meetup locations that are communicated via email and here on this website. Most meetups are in the Rochester city limits, but occasionally we take a field trips to visit somewhere new. Our favorite places include pubs, breweries, wine bars, parks, and of course yarn stores. Are you a business owner that would like to host our group? Let’s get in touch!
Does it cost anything to join?
Our meetups are always free attend! Even though we meet at various restaurants, cafes, and bars you are never expected to make a purchase. The purpose of our group is to gather together and craft. Pubs are simply easy, free, and convenient locations that we take advantage of to guarantee our events remain free and accessible no matter your budget.
What do I bring?Your project of course!
What crafts are considered Fiber Art?
Any of the "soft crafts" that utilize yarn, string, thread, animal or cellulose fibers. We do not have any restrictions as to what is or is not considered a fiber art, but it does help to be able to have a portable project to work on at our meetups. Examples include: Knitting, crochet, embroidery, cross stitch, weaving, spinning, needle felting, bead work, sewing, bargello, bracelet weaving, and finishing work.
What if I am a beginner looking to learn?
We openly welcome all skill levels. Many of our members came to our group as beginners and I myself have been inspired to learn new things such as hand spinning yarn from the other members in the group. As part of my Megs & Co business I often host knit-alongs and crochet-alongs which are a great way to challenge yourself with the added support of this in-person group. These make-alongs are hosted on Discord which you should join!How can I stay in touch between meetups?
We have a Discord server so we can chat privately between meetups. If you are unfamiliar with Discord don’t worry, it’s just an app that you can download that allows us to privately chat with each other. It’s very easy to use so don’t be shy and join our chat.
At Megs & Co., I believe our craft spaces should be a welcoming and inclusive environment for all makers. I'm committed to creating a community where everyone feels safe and empowered to express themselves through their creativity, regardless of ethnicity, gender identity, or personal beliefs. I celebrate the diversity that makes our crafting world so vibrant.
While differences of opinion are welcomed and can enrich our experience, it's important to remember that everyone deserves respect. Bullying and hate speech of any kind will never be tolerated in any capacity. Let's lift each other up and build a community where everyone feels they belong. All are welcome here ❤.