Leap Into the New Year with a Frog-Along Make-Along
Calling all knitters, crocheters, fiber artists & makers!
Are you ready to take on a year-long challenge dedicated to tackling those unfinished projects and conquering your yarn stash?
Join Meg for a yearlong #FrogItOrFinishIt2024 Make Along.
We all have them. Those languishing WIPS and projects that we have forgotten about and that no longer spark joy. Now is your time to gather them all up, re-evaluate, and assess whether it is time to let them go or get them done!
This is a year long challenge where any project counts! We kick off January 1st on Zoom and will continue to meet virtually every quarter to check back in, re-assess, and keep each other motivated and accountable.
Rescue your languishing WIPS, Tackle your unfinished projects, tame your yarn stash, and win prizes All year long!
👇 Scroll down for all the details.
Here's what you can expect:
12 months of motivation to help you chip away at your project backlog.
Community Support: Connect with fellow yarn enthusiasts from around the world, share your progress, and motivate each other along the way.
Creative Inspiration: Discover new patterns, techniques, and tips to help you finish your projects with confidence.
Prizes and Giveaways: Be rewarded for your dedication and participation with exciting prizes throughout the year.
Whether you have a drawer full of half-knitted sweaters or a crochet blanket that's been languishing in your WIP bin for years, this is your chance to finally give them the love they deserve.
There are so many ways to participate!
Join the Discord chat to stay connected with the frog-along community and stay motivated!
Sign up for the mailing list to receive monthly updates, challenges, and inspiration delivered right to your inbox.
Follow Meg on Instagram @megsandco_yarn and share your progress using the hashtag #FrogItOrFinishIt2024
Come out to Fiber Night, a meetup group for Rochester, NY locals
Attend quarterly virtual meetups hosted on Zoom.
🐸 No one should have to Frog alone! 🐸
We kick off on Jan 1st. Join me on Zoom to sort through our WIPs together and decide together which projects get finished and which are doomed to be frogged. The Zoom link will be sent to my email list so make sure you are on the list!
We will continue to meet on Zoom every month to share our finished projects and re-evaluate our WIPS. Visit my events page for dates.
Prizes will be drawn at the end of each quarter and announced during our Zoom meetups.
Did I mention there are prizes?
As if your finished project wasn't enough, I will be giving away prizes all year long!
Official Rules for Entry:
Chose an unfinished project. Any unfinished project counts even if that project is the yarn you caked up 3 years ago but never even casted on a single stitch.
Take a Before picture of your unfinished project. Again, any unfinished project counts, this can be a sweater that’s simply missing a sleeve or just a pile of yarn
Frog the project - 1 entry
Finish the project - 2 entries
Frog the project AND finish a new project re-purposing the materials - 5 entries
Take after picture(s) of your frogged pile, your finished project, OR your frogged and finished project.
Submit your photos and project details using the form linked below.
Earn additional entries by sharing your progress on Instagram (must follow and tag @megsandco_yarn) and participating in the Discord chat.
Prize winners will be drawn after each quarter and announced during a Zoom meetup. A grand prize winner drawn at the end of the year. You do not need to be present to win. All prizes must be claimed within 30 days or a new winner will be drawn.
First Drawing April 14 1 PM ET - All entries must be received by midnight ET 3/31 to be eligible for this quarter’s prize drawing.
All entries received after 3/31 will go into the drawing for next quarter’s prize
All entries roll over each quarter
So What’s With the Frog?
Frogging in the fiber arts isn't about actual frogs, thankfully! It's a fun word for the act of ripping back your work to correct a mistake, or start anew.
Mistakes are okay, and even undoing can be a part of the fun in creating something amazing! So when in doubt just rippit.
The Q1 prize includes a two skein yarn bundle and a project journal.